NNI Business Search

Directory Summary

The NNI web site offers you three different ways to search our database of NNI Registered Nunavut Businesses.

The first is a Search by Community. You can search for NNI Registered Nunavut Businesses in any one community in Nunavut. Alternatively, you can search for NNI Registered Nunavut Businesses in one of Nunavut's three regions or even in all of Nunavut. .

The second is a Search by Business Name. You can find information about a NNI Registered Nunavut Business by typing in the name of the business.

The third is a Search for Suppliers. This is a special search. First you specify where the contract is located and if you want suppliers of Goods or suppliers of Services. You then select either one type of Good or one type of Service. The program will search for (and list) ALL NNI Registered Nunavut Businesses that provide that Good or Service, no matter where they are in Nunavut.

You can find out if a particular firm is registered with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. by searching for it in the Inuit Firm Registry Database (IFRD)